Everyday Voyager

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The Best Baguette In Paris 2014

I have no idea how you could ever choose one baguette from all of this wonderful bread, but every year, the French manage to do so faithfully. The winner of the 20th annual Grand Prix of the best baguette in Paris goes to Antonio Teixeira, the 24 year old artisan baker at Aux Délices du Palais in the 14th arrondissement. Antonio's father won the exact same award back in 1998. To qualify as the best baguette in Paris, the bread must measure between 55 cm-65 cm long, weigh between 25o grams - 300 grams, and have a salt content of 18 grams per kilo of flour. The baguettes are then judged according to how well they are baked, taste, the soft part of the bread or crumb, smell, and looks.

With all the artisan bakers of Paris invited to participate, a total of 187 baguettes were entered in this year's competition to be judged by the 15 member jury. Sadly, 50 were immediately eliminated because they did not meet the size or weight criteria.

As fortune would have it, the winning baguette is hand crafted daily right next to the Porte de Vanves flea market. Open at 6:15 am, grab your fresh, warm, prize winning baguette from Aux Délices du Palais, head across the street to La Porte Didot for a café crème, and enjoy as the vendors set up their tables.